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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Worried About Water Damage? Our Tips for Prevention | SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/Middleburg

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

Aluminum Rain Water Gutter on side of Florida House Address water damage by calling SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/Middleburg as soon as possible.

It’s likely that you don’t think about your water pipes or gutter system regularly. You depend on them to direct water in and around your house in a controlled manner, and they usually do just that. But a single malfunction or issue could lead to various water problems for your home. 

Burst pipes, overloaded gutters and faulty appliances all pose a threat of causing extensive water damage in a short time. Understanding where water damage is more likely to happen can help you identify and address any emerging issues promptly to minimize your situation. 

Our water damage restoration team provides more information below, so keep reading to learn all about water damage in homes.

Appliances and Pipes 

Water leaks are a common risk in any home where water is being used, especially from appliances such as dishwashers, water heaters and washing machines, which have the potential to malfunction and leak. 

To prevent such issues, it is important to regularly maintain and inspect these appliances for any signs of damage, such as water spots. Additionally, pipes are also susceptible to wear and tear, and it is recommended to regularly check the lines connected to sinks, tubs and toilets for any signs of aging caulking or seals. Even a small crack in a fitting or pipe can lead to significant water damage, either suddenly or gradually over time.

Preventing Damage Caused by Mother Nature

We all know how destructive storms can be in the Eagle Landing area. Severe storms and hurricanes can lead to heavy rainfall that may overload clogged gutters, causing water to leak into your foundation and basement. To avoid this,  clean your gutters regularly. Clean gutters facilitate the smooth flow of water away from your home. This cannot happen if the gutters are clogged with leaves or other debris from the yard.

Flooding is also a concern when heavy rain overloads our community. If your home is located in a flood zone, you should grade your property so the land slopes away from your home. This will help water to move away from your house naturally. Additionally, investing in a sump pump can help keep water out of your basement.

How SERVPRO® Can Dry Your Home
Dealing with water damage can be a daunting task, regardless of how it happened. The first step is to contact our restoration team. We are equipped with the knowledge, tools and safety training to handle any type of water damage situation. 

We will extract any excess water or moisture, identify the source of the issue, repair any damages and manage your recovery process. Although it may seem like a daunting task, we are experts in disaster recovery and will strive to return your home to its original condition as quickly as possible.

Water damage should always be addressed as soon as it is discovered. Contact SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/Middleburg today.

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